pydcp <hosts> --scp_mode <options>
pydcp -h | --help
The pydcp command is used for copying files to/from multiple hosts using SCP in parallel.
--timeout=<SEC> | Set timeout in seconds. |
-v, --verbose | Set the program verbosity. Can be specified up to 5 times to display more information. |
--version | Display the programs version and exit. |
-a, --all | Add all hosts defined in the default host file. |
--hostfile=<FILE> | Add all hosts define in file <FILE>. |
-i, --ignorefailed | Continue even if some hosts fail connectivity tests. |
-n <NODE>, --node=<NODE> | Adds <NODE> to the hostlist. Nodes may be specified as hostnames, or ip addresses (either individually or as a range). Examples: -n localhost -n server1-3 -n -n NOTE: For IP addresses ONLY the last segment is used for determining the range. |
--scp_mode=<MODE> | SCP Mode: Send or Get |
--scp_local=<TARGET> | Local file or directory to send (MODE: send) or to store recieved files in (MODE: get). |
--scp_remote=<TARGET> | Remote file or directory to get (MODE: get) or to store recieved files in (MODE: send). |
-r, --recursive | Recursively copy directories. |
--user=<USER> | User to connect as (default as current user). |
Dave Vehrs